I decided to try out the Pillsbury catalina deal I had read about at Kroger, and it worked. For the details of the deal, see The Thrifty Mama's post here.Kroger 2/26:+ 5 cans Pillsbury buscuits (on sale for 10/$10)
+ 3 Johnson's Buddies soap bars
+ 1 box Pillsbury Strudels (on sale for $2/ea)
+ 3 packs Starkist Tuna (on sale 10/$10)
+ 1 bunch seedless grapes (on sale 10 lbs./$10)
+ 1 head lettuce
+ 1 bunch organic bananas
+ 1 Roma tomato
+ 1 cucumber
+ 1 cantaloupe (on sale for $1.50/ea)
- Coupons ($7.50:
Cellfire Grands biscuit $0.50,
Cellfire Pillsbury Strudels $0.50, $3/3 Johnson's soaps, Buy 2 Get 1 Free Tuna--saved $1, 2 x $0.25/1 Pillsbury biscuits doubled, $0.40/3 Pillsbury biscuits doubled, $0.35/1 Pillsbury Strudels doubled)
+ Tax
=$13.63 out of pocket, $14.92 saved, 53% savingsAvg. cost per item: $0.76*Plus I earned another $3/3 Johnson's soaps catalina (which means 3 more free Buddy bars), a $3 OYNO for buying 5 Pillsbury biscuits, and a $0.50 on one 2.5 or 3 oz Bumble Bee Premium Ligh Tuna Pouch catalina which was triggered by buying the Starkist Tuna.My plan is to go back and buy more biscuits and use the $3 OYNO to cover the OOP cost. When I buy 5 more, I should get another $3 OYNO catalina also, so I can keep buying biscuits and rolling the catalinas. With coupons, too, the biscuits should be free or nearly free. I read on the
DS Thrifty Forum that you can freeze these, so I'm going to try it!
Total left for this month: