Harris Teeter Triples Trip #4:+ 4 Betty Crocker potato pouches
+ 2 Arm & Hammer Baking Soda boxes
+ 1 Wishbone salad dressing spritzer
+ 2 boxes Lipton tea bags
+ 1 Frank's hot sauce
+ 3 Mueller's whole grain spaghetti
+ 2 Carnation evaporated milk cans
+ 1 Hungry Jack pancake syrup
+ 2 Harris Teeter Macaroni & Cheese dinner
+ 2 Suave body wash
+ 1 half dozen Harris Teeter eggs
- Coupons
+ Tax
=$9.67 out of pocket, $24.04 saved, 71% savingsAvg. cost per item: $0.46*Plus I earned a $1 off 2 Wish-Bone Salad Spritzers catalina coupon.I was a little disappointed with this next trip. It should have been a little cheaper but I had a $0.75 coupon that would have tripled that didn't get scanned. So this order SHOULD have been $2.25 less. This is what I get for doing self-checkout where you hand the cashier who is standing far away the coupons to scan where you can't see them. :( Harris Teeter Triples Trip #5:+ 2 boxes Lipton tea bags
+ 1 box Luzianne tea bags
+ 3 Mueller whole grain spaghetti
+ 2 Craisins 100 calorie multi-packs
+ 3 Suave body wash
+ 4 SunSilk conditioners (marked down to $1.36 each)
+ 1 Downy fabric softener (marked down to $3.67)
+ 2 Coffeemate liquid coffee creamers
+ 1 Simply Orange with pineapple juice
+ 1 Kraft shredded cheese
+ 1 Minute white rice
+ 2 cans Ortega refried beans
+ 1 pouch Betty Crocker potatoes
+ 1 Dinty Moore beef stew (marked down to $1.34)
+ 1 pack Little Swimmers swim diapers (marked down to $4.49)
- Coupons
+ Tax
=$21.87 out of pocket, $35.83 saved, 62% savingsAvg. cost per item: $0.84*Plus I earned two catalina coupons -- one for $1.00/3 Coffee-Mate creamer and one for $0.75/1 Prego Heart Smart Italian Sauce.
Total left for this month: $