I just started couponing in October, but have been trying to stockpile items that we use a lot. (Some of the things are items I had bought before couponing and not all items in my stockpile are pictured.) Of course I'm just getting started, but here's a peek at what I have collected so far:Toothpastes and Mouthwashes


Shampoos, Conditioners, Soaps, Body Washes, Lotions

Cleaners, Detergents, Fabric Softeners, Air Fresheners

Cereals (not showing 19 new boxes of Cheerios), Oatmeals, Paper Towels

Paper Towels, Tissues, Serving items

Sour Creams

Canned Goods

Grains and Dry Beans


Baking Items


Smart Waters

Chest Freezer in the Garage
(the Voila's are all in ziplock bags b/c we had to cut the UPC's off to send in for the free Charlie Brown DVDs and that left a hole in the packages)

Sodas and Waters

Various Drinks
And here are some yummy fruits my parents handpicked on a recent trip. Yum! :)