Monday, February 2

February Goals

A Review of my New Year's Resolutions:
1 - Make a monthly budget and stick to it. (see below for Feb.'s goal)
2 - Limit impulse buying by discussing all $20+ purchases with DH first.
3 - Plan monthly goals for improvement. (see below for Jan. & Feb.'s goals)

A Review of my January Goals:
1 - Budget for food/household/eating out: $500 (basically this should cover everything except for routine bills and gas...will start with a high limit this month and try to work down each month of the year)
2 - Read more books to DS.
3 - Convert the dining room to a playroom for DS.

*NEW* February Goals:
1 - Budget for food/household/eating out: $500 (basically this should cover everything except for routine bills and gas)
2 - Finish converting the dining room to a playroom for DS (including painting shelf).
3 - Take DS on more outings -- to friends', the playground, the backyard swingset, on walks, etc.

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